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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chronology of the eruption of Merapi October 26, 2010

Jakarta - Mount Merapi which is the most dangerous mountain in Indonesia have been let off the contents of his stomach on Tuesday, October 26 at 17:02 pm. The following chronology of the eruption of Merapi version direct observation as a press release Investigation and Technology Development Center Kegunungapian (BPPTK) in AFP on Wednesday (10/27/2010):
There are 4 seismographs to observe akvitas volcanic Merapi, which is placed in Klatakan / Babadan / Magelang (west side); Pusunglondon / Selo / Boyolali (north); pure-bred / Klaten (east / southeast), and Plawangan / Turgo / Ground (south).
* By At 16:00 pm *Volcanic activity is still likely to rise, after rising status to "Beware" since the day before. Visually through a camera placed on the slopes of Merapi observation post could not be observed directly because of heavy fog closed since a few hours earlier (photo lower left corner). Even the posts on the slopes of Merapi, also reported that they were not able to monitor visually. Communication through radio network HT.
* At 4:00 p.m. to 17:00 pm *There was a significant increase in activity include volcanic earthquakes, multiphase (MP), avalanches, etc.. But it is still considered not 'quite' dangerous. There was no visual images at all. All just depends on the tools. Could there by a number of national media interviews on relevant officers possibility / scenario eruption will happen.
* At 5:00 p.m. to 17:30 pm *Spike in volcanic activity occurred a very sharp, especially starting at 17:02 pm, which turned out to be hot clouds glide. Four seismograph recorded the amplitude of vibration was all a very wide (large), even the needle was released repeatedly. Officers monitoring began frantically busy and unusual, especially because of the large amplitude and duration of the incident. Observation posts on the slopes was also reported Thus, it's just completely unknown, what is a cloud of hot / else. All covered with thick fog. No one can guess what's behind the thick fog.
* 17:30 am - 18:30 pm *The fog was very thick and beginning to get dark. Increasingly difficult to find out what happened at Merapi. Four seismograph records the vibrations are still very large (and yet again a few times until the needle off, and quickly replaced the paper gulungan2 once - when normally 12 hours or so). Officers claimed there were 3 times the eruption and hot clouds glide and possibly explosive spread in all directions. Officers memperintahkan central to all postal workers on the slopes of Merapi to immediately leave the post, down to the evacuation. Officers also contact the officers in some places, to be forced evacuation for residents. Sirens sounded in different places. HT Radio Network began very Crowded, as well as phone network in post. Some officers seemed very panicked (crying?), While continuing to pray and bertakbir.
* At 6:30 p.m. to 19:00 pm *Center officials issued a statement / official information on the media, about the occurrence of this eruption, and the focus now is on the evacuation process. The volcanic activity was detected in the seismograph began to decline, except for a seismograph in Plawangan / Turgo / Kalikuning. Officials worried about Kinahrejo area (where mbah Maridjan), Kaliadem, and around the southern slope of Merapi.
* 19:00 pm - ...Officials at the observation posts Merapi slope to climb back to their posts (but some are still forbidden to return for a while). Rain gravel and ash began to be reported by the monitoring stations, particularly in the area southwest of Merapi. The smell of sulfur can also be kissed from around the slopes. Merapi activity is monitored from the seismograph, continued to tend down, even normally calm stable, although a few times sometimes happen glowing material. Visually Merapi is still shrouded in fog, so no one can who can see 'how big eruption, where the hot clouds, etc.'. The condition of the officer began to calm down, even several times seen joking. Journalists and media continue to standby at the monitoring center, and several follow up to the Ground.
* Aftermath *Officers BPPTK declared Merapi is currently in a state of deep sleep after last activity. Not yet known, whether there will be a continuation of volcanic activity again. They had feared that if that happened earlier was / is just the beginning only. As the patterns of previous eruption of Merapi, which are usually small first, then medium, large, down, back to normal again, and so on. Point fire / lava flows also can not be confirmed. What happened was greater than that occurred in 2006.
Location affected by the eruption / hot clouds evening before, chances are the areas around the slopes of Merapi, within a radius of 4-6 km, particularly the southern slopes.
Ash / volcanic ash was reported even to Gombong - Kebumen. Evacuation is still being conducted.

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