“Jacob laughed when I told him that more kids can use smartphones than can tie their own shoes... But when I showed him my check, his face changed...”
Thousands Have Optimized Their Websites With The Mobile Income Elite™ - For One, Damn, Good Reason!
"This Is The Most Banged-Up, Fail-Proof, Web Mobile System On The Internet”
Date: Wednesday, February 29
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
From: Brandon Gentry & Jason Cooper
Dear entrepreneur,
Jacob is a good guy. He's probably the friendliest guy I've ever met in my entire life. People can tell that he has a huge passion about marketing. He's also very dedicated to his online business, the boundaries of his passion goes all the way through the space.
But you know what... it's really incredible to see someone so mobile and yet doesn't realize that he is leaving millions of dollars on the table.
Or should I say; giving away millions of dollars to his competitors...
My name is Brandon Gentry. You may know me, you may not. In case you don’t know me, well... you will in the next few minutes.
So, what's the hype for today’s breakfast?
Do you have one? Take a look at it. Take a look at all the gadgets these days.
The world is changing. Fast.
Cell phones become smarter. Computers become smaller and lighter. Internet becomes cheaper. Soon, “smartphones” will simply become “phones.” And phones will be your mobile computer - your most favorite point of access to digital world - connecting you 24 hours a day to your friends, family, work and entertainment.
Furthermore, your phone will become your preferred method of payment, your e-wallet complete with social security card, credit cards, driver's license, etc.
Are you seeing what I’m seeing here?
You know there’s all this hype right now about Social Media Marketing. You can see a lot of marketers from around the world competing and racing and killing each other to get more ‘social’ every single day.
That’s all good.
They missed this one little thing...
A study conducted by AVG in 2010 found that 19% of 2-5 year olds could use their parent’s smartphone to play games, but hear this... only 9% of those same children could tie their own shoes.
Go ahead, laugh.
Just like Jacob did.
To most people, that study means nothing. Just another study conducted by some company. No big deal. But to SOME people, very few actually, that study means everything.
To most people, watching kids play with smartphones and tablets is just that; kids enjoying their time without bothering their parents. Nothing more. But, to SOME people, that is a sign to something much bigger.
It’s like Larry Page and Sergey Brin both whispering you...
“Psst, The Money Is In Mobile!”
And that, my friend, is why Google is investing heavily on Android.
Take a look at your smartphone once again. Compare it with the phone you used to order pizza, 10 or 20 years ago. You see any differences?
Not on the phone, on YOU.
That's right. You have started to become a moving gadget. Tell me; can leave your home without your smartphone? Heck, I even know a girl who can't go the bathroom without her smartphone!
Jacob knew this too.
But alas, he didn't realize the opportunity.
Just like millions of other business owners didn't realize the opportunity.
According to 1&1 Internet, business owners are neglecting the needs of consumers accessing websites from mobile devices. From their study, 57% of businesses have not optimized their websites for mobile usage and have no plans to do so.
Can you imagine that? They are living the mobile lifestyle themselves and yet only few believe a mobile-friendly website could boost their traffic AND sales revenue.
You know what, this is actually good news...
For YOU.
Clickbank introduces mobile commerce features
- The growing smart phone market demands easier sales on the go.
- Clickbank takes their powerful Hop Traffic Management system mobile.
Smart phone sales and mobile conversions are on the rise
- Smart phone purchases were up 50% last year.
- This is expected to double by 2015.
- Mobile conversions continue to increase.
PayPal cashing in on mobile conversions through responsive design
- PayPal is projecting $3 billion in mobile revenuealone.
- Optimized mobile payment system is integrated into online stores
I have my own story too.
About 2 years ago I saw the sales on my best products starting to decline. And my new products weren't selling at all - “at all” as in zero sales, zero money, and zero profit. My ‘set-and-forget’ auto-pilot income that gave me a good life was slipping away. Sound familiar?
Then I went to a mobile web design conference where I had the epiphany that would change my business for good.... While the speakers talked about compliant web design and projections on smart phone numbers, I realized that I needed to shift my efforts towards mobile marketing... FAST.
I left the conference early, energized like crazy to get home and start redesigning all my sales pages and refocus my marketing efforts.
That's where I hit another road block...
Converting normal websites into mobile friendly websites was NOT easy. My brain almost exploded that night. I needed a solution, so I called my good friend Todd who is a programming ninja and told him my problem. If anybody can make something difficult into something simple for people like me, it's Todd.
So, I hired him to make me a program.
A program that can easily turn all my normal websites into mobile websites.
“Okay, just send $10,000 to my account tomorrow, you can transfer the rest after I’m done."
Oh my God...
I remembered that I didn’t have the money!
The next morning, I called my father (he’s pretty loaded with cash). I asked him to invest in my new venture. You know, to pay for the program. Unfortunately, he didn't share the same enthusiasm. He even laughed at me.
So I called another friend, Jason Cooper. After a long talk on the phone, he agreed to invest his money. After spending nearly $30,000 for over a year, we were finally ready to test the program.
I had all my sites converted that day and I even created a few brand new affiliate sites selling other peoples' products... I was INSTANTLY selling to an uncharted market of cash-spending mobile users...
So, what about you?
You are an Internet marketer.
I know you know the PAIN in getting people to visit your website... I know you've heard the sad stories of decent marketers working like zombies every night and yet nothing seems to show any results. It's downright depressing.
So why not go mobile from now on?
Why not grab the opportunity where others can't see?
You have a choice here...
You can have thousands of people visiting your website from their smartphones... This will not only help you start your first (or second, or third) business quickly, it will also help you build your reputation and establish yourself as an expert in a market where others have ignored.
And, the best part is...
Boy, you're gonna love this...
“With MIE™, You Can Optimize Your Website For Mobile Devices In Less Than 5 Minutes!”
Shawn G. - Columbus, OH
"I can't believe how quick and easy the setup was. From start to finish, I had my mobile sales page complete in under 10 minutes. I am now selling and generating leads to a whole new market of users. Thanks MIE!"
ED W. - San Diego, CA
"I'm not a programmer, but when I wanted to expand my ebook business to mobile users, I didn't know where to start. That's when I found Mobile Income Elite. I can't believe that you were able to convert my current site into a mobile site in a matter of minutes."
WILLIAM B. - Seattle, WA
"Thank you so much. This product is better than advertised."
The Mobile Income Elite™ mSite™CONVERTER
We will convert and host ALL your websites into mobile-ready websites in under 30 seconds! Convert as many as you want. There is no limit!
Starting at $1
The Mobile Income Elite™ mSite™ CREATOR
Create brand new mobile-friendly web sites in minutes. Capitalize on the huge untapped market of mobile affiliate sales or create mobile sites for your products with NO CODING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. We will host and help you create an unlimited number of mobile sites!
($37 value) ABSOLUTELY FREE!
mSite™ Control Panel
Reference and manage all your hosted websites with a click of your mouse. Our custom web-based interface makes accessing all your websites a snap.
($149 value) ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Fully Customized WYSIWYG Editor
Chose from a number of preset templates or customize your site altogether. Make custom additions or styles to your mobile site in NO TIME FLAT!
No web design skills required!
($27 value) ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Mobile Video Converting and Hosting
We will convert your site's videos on the fly and host them FREE of charge. Your videos will play on every mobile and desktop platform GUARANTEED. And best of all... There is no branding on the video player - NO YouTube, NO Vimeo, Just YOUR videos. Did we mention that there is NO LIMIT to the amount of videos you can convert?
($99 value) ABSOLUTELY FREE!
MIE™ QR Code Factory™
We will create and manage all your QR codes instantly. Direct potential customers and generate leads with the scan of a smartphone. With our patent pending ONE OF A KIND technology you can utilize our DYNAMIC QR CODES and change URLs even after a QR code has been created.
($19 value) ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Print Publishing Tools
Create traditional print flyers with our built-in publishing tools. Our program will help you build a flyer so no design skills are required! Are you selling a fitness product? Take a flyer to local gyms complete with your automated MIE QR Code. Customers can scan your code and buy your product on the go! Your customers no longer need to be sitting at their desktop to buy your products!
mSite™ Instructional Videos
Our programs are super user-friendly, but we have also created helpful instructional videos that teach you every feature we provide.
24/7 Customer Support
We fully understand how frustrating it is to use a product and not have help when you need it. That is why we offer guaranteed support on all our products.

And, as always, your investment today is backed up by my personal reputation, my own name, and everything that I worked for over the past XX years... If you don't get the results I promised, if you are not happy with the new mobile websites you received, I will gladly refund you 100%.
No questions asked.
Here, I'll make it easy for you to request your refund, in case you change your mind later... Simply send an email to:
support@mobileincomeelite.com - See, I'm not joking. I'm just being fair with you.
Now it's decision time...
HURRY: For a limited time, get everything you see here...
The entire Mobile Income Elite™ System (a $676 value)
For only $47 $1
If you love Mobile Income Elite (and I know you will),
you can continue to use it for the super low monthly price of $37.
So, that's it. Go ahead and make whatever decision seems like the best value for YOU. I know you'll be pleased as punch with what you've got here, and the difference it can make when you use it to grow your business on the Internet.
To your wild success,
P.S. Technology research company Gartner predicts that by 2013, more people will use their mobile phones than PCs to get online. I'm telling you, smartphones will change the way you do business.
Whether you're looking to start your own Internet business or you already have a successful business, this service is something you must have RIGHT NOW.
P.P.S. My father thought I was crazy, until I showed him my “mobile” check. His name is Jacob.